Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Grand Design (The Plan of Salvation)

I find it appropriate that my first drawing introduced should give credit to where all credit is deserved. The Grand Design is about God, and the plan he has laid out for us, his children, to become like him. It is the truth of human progression and Mans ultimate potential . Through a series of symbols (sun, moon, stars, stairway), some being found in the scriptures, and by literal description (spheres of existence, traveling of spirits, light of God and Christ) also found in the scriptures, I set out to portray simply this plan...

Though the process depicted covers millions of years, I found it convenient, for the sake of understanding, to lay each step out before us simultaneously that we may better comprehend what we are all in the middle of. It answers where we came from, why we are here, and where we are to reside eternally- given our reception to the truth and the practiced love and faith in our hearts.

Just a note:

Though this site will not be devoted to doctorine of the LDS church, I wanted to express my faith along with all other thoughts and philosophies which, for me, would be ultimately unsatisfyingly hollow without my faith. I drew this piece in California while on my mission, for my good friend Jacob Schwartz.


  1. I love this picture. I remember when you showed it to us at the house a few years ago. I still remember the white out trick =].

  2. This is amazing! I love the cool tones n the one side and the warm on the other. Seems a good representation of the difference in earthly vs. heavenly light. And i love that there's not a ton of detail in the people but just rough shapes...i don't know why but it fits.

  3. ah thanx a lot for really looking at it. i love hearing detailed analasys sp.

  4. i never knew about your blog, but i'm glad i found it! this piece will always remind me of our time in hesperia. you were a great example to me... your old man, helean.
