Monday, April 13, 2009

The Grand Design - Detail

This is the detail of a very significant portion of the piece. The final judgement of the Father with the Christ as the mediator. Notice the flash of light in front of the face of the individual about to be judged (middle-left)...

He is about to pass through this light, which stands as a symbol of a veil which, when on one side of, blocks the heavenly realms from our view, and our memory of our life with God before we came to earth. As he passes through he will be able to see God sitting on his throne. Such a view will now be familiar to his mind, as his memory will be quickened, and he will recollect the complete history of all his triumph and all his guilt and as the archives of his personal dealings with both God and man, angels and demons, are opened he will understand his personal judgement with The Godhead in the fullness of its justice, mercy and love, and he will understand it to be a perfect judgement. All men pass through this same veil when entering this world in order to forget: 1.)their history with the family of God in the heavens, and 2.) The TRUTH which we must find and live (through our faith-without sight or memory of) while on earth.

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