Saturday, July 18, 2009

Statues In the Water

There are many possibilities here: Either these statues-these creations were made to face the moon only on a certain time of year, and at a certain time of night, thus facing an empty spot in the sky all other times of the year-and at night. which would mean that they were created with a statement to the significance of this light source in relation to a certain time. That, or they are always facing the moon...that's right-they could be living, rotating, light-attracted stone giants created by the hands of a magician-like stone carver with great secrets to his design. wait! maybe no man created them but they are works of the gods. but could they have always existed? perhaps they can look anywhere they want but choose to face the moon? or maybe I'm lying to you and these statues in the water don't even exist-i just conjured them up. this, i guess is a work of questions- without a given answer, or maybe there is an answer, maybe more than one. Now what are you? are you a creation made to be already pointed toward the light, as a statement of its significance? are you a living art form naturally designed to move about wherever good is-who knows how...a mystery of nature? maybe you and i are created by the Governor(s) of the universe? but could we have always been? do we choose to be looking where we look? are we even real? This is the great dilemma placed upon us as we enter, and then go about this life viewing one another...what is going on here? who are we? where do we come from? why do we face where we face (and why do we love the light)? well whatever the answers, we are perpetually questioning due to the peculiar nature of our very existence-how we stand, where we face and how we came to be. We are statues in the water.


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