Saturday, April 25, 2009

Stott-Art on a Clock

This is a piece of art i did for our living room clock...

Often times I feel art is so under appreciated and the things of this world seem to crowd out our minds. time, money, trivial pursuits. I'm often asked "How much you get for that piece", rather than "Wow, how beautiful. What does it mean to you?" I think, also, that people in a given room are more concerned about what time it is than the art on the walls in that room. this is a way that will remind us all that rather than always being distracted, and on the run we should take out the the time necessary for appreciating the beauty of life and how others express it. This is my statement to you all, and a reminder to take the TIME to appreciate the goodness of life.


  1. Beuatiful work, I love the colours and the design of the picture. I could not agree more with your statement,one for everyone to think about.

  2. I totally agree, and I think your work is breathtaking. What were you thinking about when you made this piece?? I'd love to here the thoughts behind it.
